General Medicine

General Medicine, also referred to as Internal Medicine, is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and the non-surgical treatments of diseases that are related to the internal organs.

Best treatment

Today, most people face health issues such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes, cold and flu, hypertension and heart diseases and other recurring issues. At iCare General Medicine Department, we are committed to supporting, protecting and providing you with the best treatment possible.

In our Internal Medicine Department, we find and understand the causes and symptoms as well as diagnose and treat a huge range of disorders that affect your body. We also give you information related to the various types of chronic illnesses and their diagnosis. At General Medicine Department we look out for the various signs and symptoms of a disease and diagnose it.

Once the disease is diagnosed, we help you cope with the illness and aid in the prevention of the same. With a planned treatment schedule and close care, we monitor your health regularly.


At iCare we understand you and offer a variety of services to efficiently support you. From diagnosis to prevention and treatment, we provide you with the best of care. 

Each patient, within the first 24 hours of admission to hospital, will be seen by one of our specialist physicians. They will complete a medical assessment and plan for providing additional support and consultation required to the treating medical teams.